Tuesday, July 03, 2007


I thought I’d begin my official summer (7/3) by going to Starbucks and using my Mac on a weekday. Granted, as I have no full-time job (I’m teaching a single, 3-hour oral English class every week for 5 weeks for more than most Chinese will ever see in a month but it’s not full-time employment) and am technically unemployed (with my contract having run out and not yet signed the new one) I thought I’d return to my New York writer-ly roots and nestle into a Starbucks with my Powerbook, reveling in my naughty hooky from life.

I was flipping through the gossip pages and happened to click upon a link that led me to Wikipedia. I had no intended to go to Wiki, nor had I any idea that the link would take me there. You see, Wiki is verboten in PRC and I’m not particularly interested in raising trouble while I’m in China, so I have avoided courting trouble.

However, the link worked.

Wikipedia actually works in PRC. I checked out the general PRC entry as well as Xi’An’s and a few random entertainment figures’. Granted, I have not clicked on the more sensitive “T” “N” “Ah” “Men” “incidents” links as I have no interest in raising the attention of the filters that Wiki is up and running but how cool is it that Wiki is about? I love that.

But then again, I have no been able to get onto the official Blogger sites (or personal blog sites in general) for weeks now. My access has come and gone in the past year to personal blogs but of late, they’re really not working. I can still post, edit and peruse my blogs, I just can’t read the final product.

So random.

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